Healing My Brain With a Ketogenic Diet
If you have been following me for a while, way back when I had my blog, Bipolar Spirit, then you know I have been on dozens of...

Using the Paleo Diet in the Treatment of Mental Illness
(Photo of a Paleo version of chicken and waffles from Mission Heirloom, one of our favorite restaurants in Berkeley, CA.) Chronic illness...

To Will Ferrell and Mike Rosolio: It Is Not Funny to Make Fun of People With Alzheimer's
Dear Will Ferrell and Mike Rosolio, I was in shock when I heard that Mr. Rosolio wrote this script and somehow thought that making fun of...

Dementia, Death, Grief, and the Kitchen Sink
I can’t remember how to clean the black markings from pots off of a white porcelain kitchen sink. My mom would know how to do that. I...

"Remember Me" an Anthem for Alzheimer's/Dementia
On January 20, 2015, a grassroots campaign to raise funds for and awareness about Alzheimer’s and end stigma was launched by the release...

In Memory of Carolyn L. Farrell: April 17, 1937 - January 18, 2015
On January 18, 2015, at 77 years old, my Mom died peacefully at home from Lewy Body Dementia. My Mom was a beautiful person, inside and...

Book Review: Still Alice
Still Alice is a novel by Lisa Genova. It follows a woman, Alice- Harvard professor, wife, and mother- who gets early onset Alzheimer's...

End of Life: How to Be There When You Can't Be There
[Image: FaceTime with my mom, dad, and sister. I love this photo because it shows that there is much more connection when you can see...

In The End, What Matters Most, Was In The Middle
[Image: Thanksgiving 2014. Rev. Katie's Mom sitting in a wheelchair by her grandson while watching television together.] Yesterday I...

Should I Go Home to Be With My Dying Parent/ Loved One With Dementia?
My dad told me a few days ago that my mom has gotten much worse and is not taking any food and very little water. She has become mostly...