Healing My Brain With a Ketogenic Diet
If you have been following me for a while, way back when I had my blog, Bipolar Spirit, then you know I have been on dozens of...

5 Reasons Montessori Methods Work for People with Dementia: Montessori Education Week 2017
The last week in February is always Montessori Education Week. This year we celebrate 110 years of Montessori education! To honor...

Person-Centered Dementia Care and the Adidas Ad by Eugen Merher
There is a commercial for Adidas shoes by Eugen Merher going around the internet right now. According to Boredpanda, apparently Merher...

Preparing the Environment for Dementia: The Importance of Contrast
In Montessori based dementia care, we focus of the Montessori principle of creating a prepared environment. This is my first entry in my...

5 Tips for Including a Person with Dementia in Important Events: Lessons from the Cleveland Cavalier
My hometown basketball team, the Cleveland Cavaliers,’ won the 2016 NBA Finals. Unless you come from Cleveland, you have no idea how...

To Will Ferrell and Mike Rosolio: It Is Not Funny to Make Fun of People With Alzheimer's
Dear Will Ferrell and Mike Rosolio, I was in shock when I heard that Mr. Rosolio wrote this script and somehow thought that making fun of...

What Promise to Make for Dementia Care
The Washington Post just came out with an article called "Promise me you'll never put me in a nursing home," which talks about the...

Dementia, Death, Grief, and the Kitchen Sink
I can’t remember how to clean the black markings from pots off of a white porcelain kitchen sink. My mom would know how to do that. I...

Where Is My Son?: A Glimpse Into Living With Dementia
On Tuesday, I woke up with a start. I checked my phone and saw that it was 11am! I immediately panicked because I slept through my alarm...

"Remember Me" an Anthem for Alzheimer's/Dementia
On January 20, 2015, a grassroots campaign to raise funds for and awareness about Alzheimer’s and end stigma was launched by the release...