In Memory of Carolyn L. Farrell: April 17, 1937 - January 18, 2015
On January 18, 2015, at 77 years old, my Mom died peacefully at home from Lewy Body Dementia. My Mom was a beautiful person, inside and...

End of Life: How to Be There When You Can't Be There
[Image: FaceTime with my mom, dad, and sister. I love this photo because it shows that there is much more connection when you can see...

In The End, What Matters Most, Was In The Middle
[Image: Thanksgiving 2014. Rev. Katie's Mom sitting in a wheelchair by her grandson while watching television together.] Yesterday I...

Should I Go Home to Be With My Dying Parent/ Loved One With Dementia?
My dad told me a few days ago that my mom has gotten much worse and is not taking any food and very little water. She has become mostly...