What International Travel Taught Me About Shame, Ableism, and Invisible Disabilities
I debated a lot with myself whether or not my son and I should join my husband on his work trip to Brazil. He has travelled out of the...

Your Voice Matters: The Use of "Crazy"
(Much of this post was origionally written for The Body is Not an Apology, where Rev. Katie is a Content Writer.) When was the last time...

Buzzfeed and Parents: A Child's Panic is NOT Funny
I always hate when I see these videos or photos that make fun of "overdramatic" kids who clearly are either panicking or over their...

Stop Using the Phrase, "I Am Going to Kill Myself Now"
Like most people, I find those Autocorrect Fail posts hilarious. These posts show screen shots of people who's autocorrect turned a...

Book Review: "Why Did Grandma Put Her Underwear In The Refrigerator?"
"Why Did Grandma Put Her Underwear in the Refrigerator?" is a short story which explains Alzheimer's disease to children. It is written...

Unhelpful Advice from Mental Health Professionals
Picture if you will for a moment, a doctors office. A husband and wife sit across the desk from the doctor and he has just told them that...

Mental Illness, Breaking the Silence: Joint Sermon by Husband and Wife
Many people have been asking me for the sermon my husband Jeff and I gave about mental illness. The title "Breaking the Silence" is...

"You're Too Difficult to Treat"
Many years ago we moved to a new state. I was, again, in an area where I did not know any doctors or anything about their mental health...
Knowing You Don't Know
Mom’s memory is getting worse and she is becoming more confused. Mom, again, today was looking for her porcelain dolls which are at her...