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Join the #leggingsAREbritches Movement!

A few weeks ago, a video went viral of a woman who said "Leggings ain't pants/britches." She actually loves leggings, but just feels that women need to "cover your tail" in order to wear leggings. She seems like a nice person and it is wonderful that she wears her leggings as she likes to wear them. Her video did remind me though that we can wear what we want and we do not need to tell other people what they can wear. (Please, do not post mean comments on this woman's video because she was just expressing her opinion, she was not mean, and what good does it do to be mean to someone else?)

Her video got me and my friend, Liz Wyant, and me thinking because we love leggings, with or without our tails covered! We think dictating how leggings can be worn adds to our culture of body shame. This body shaming leads to videos like one from Fox News with a panel of men telling women which leggings outfits are appropriate for women to wear (which I won't post becaue it doesn't deserve more traffic) and schools that send girls home from school because their outfits "distract boys."

We think leggings are pants and you can wear them any way you want!

We are tired of seeing people, especially other women, taking photos of other people in public and posting them to Facebook, making fun of their leggings. We want to change that culture and flood Facebook and social media with a positive message.

We want you (anyone of any gender or who are gender neutral) to send us your photos of you rocking your leggings with covered tails, a crop top, or anything in between.

We want to break the internet with #leggingsAREbritches to raise awareness about body shame.

Post your photos to Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram with #leggingsAREbritches. Also, tag us on Twitter (@Rev_Katie), Instagram (revkatie) and (Liz Wyant) and Facebook (Rev. Katie Norris).

You can also send me your photos to post in a series of #leggingsAREbritches blog posts at RevKatieNorris at gmail dot com. If you send me your photo, please let me know if a link should be attached to your photo and what name, if any, you want listed for you.

We can't wait to see your photos and help combat body shame!


Rev. Katie & Liz

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